Name (Required) – The name of the location that you want to add (such as Yard 1)
Latitude – the latitude of the location that you want to add. Used to visualize asset locations on a map.
Longitude – the longitude of the location that you want to add. Used to visualize asset locations on a map.
Notes – any notes that you want to add about the location
Order – If left blank, it will default to 0. Any location with an order of 0 will be first on the list (if multiple locations have 0, it will go in alphabetical order). Next will be all locations with an order of 1 (if multiple locations have 1, it will go in alphabetical order), and so on.
ParentLocation.Name – the name of the location that is one position higher in the hierarchy. Any parent location listed must already be in the TessaLink database prior to the import.
TenantName (Required) – the name of the owner (customer) for this location