FormTemplate (Required) – the name of the form that is being filled in this row. The form name can be found in your web app under Forms -> Form Templates.
Asset.Number (Required) - the asset number that you want the form in this row to be filled for.
FormStatus – the status of the form being filled on this row. The status will depend on whether the “This template will be used to create Pass/Fail forms” box is checked for that particular form template. If it is, the options are Pass, Fail, or In Progress. If the box is not checked, the options are Complete, or In Progress.
PerformedBy – the name of the person who completed the form. It is formatted as first name last name (such as Paul Lambert) and must match the name of a user in Settings -> Users.
CompletedDate – the date that the form is completed. Formatted as MM/DD/YYYY.
Order – the order number for this form.
CustPO – the customer purchase order number for this form.
Attachment.Name – the name of the attachment that is being attached to the form in this row. The file name must also include the file extension (such as usermanual.docx).
Attachment.Description - A description of the asset to better know what it is in case of a non-descriptive file name.
Attachment.AttachmentLabel.Name - The attachment label that you want to use for the attached file. The list of attachment labels that you can use can be found in your web app under Asset Management -> Attachment Labels
Section.Name – the name of the section in the form chosen. This can be found in Forms -> Form Templates.
Section.Field.Name – the name of the field in the Section.Name cell.
Section.Field.Value – the value of the field in the Section.Field.Name cell.
Section.Field.Notes – any notes for the field in Section.Field.Name cell. Limited to 250 characters.
Section.Field.Attachment.Name - the name of the attachment that is being attached to the field in the Section.Field.Name cell. The file name must also include the file extension (such as usermanual.docx).
Multiple fields and sections can be added in the same row for the same form. In order to do this, copy the Section.Name, Section.Field.Name, Section.Field.Value, Section.Field.Notes, and Section.Field.Attachment.Name columns. Paste them to the right of the copied cells. This can be done as many times as you need in order to have all of the sections and fields. Even if not all 5 columns will be used, all 5 must be copied over – the unused columns will be left blank for that field. (However, do not add blank SETS of 5 - only add the SETS you need for your data)
Even if a field is going to be left blank, the columns must be in the spreadsheet.
If you have any attachments for assets, save the file as “form”. Combine the excel spreadsheet and all of the attachments into a compressed (zipped) folder named “form”, then import that zipped folder.