PartNumber (Required) - the part number that you want to assign to the asset on this row
TagNames (Required) - the names of the tags that you want to assign to the asset template on this row. You can add multiple tags, separated by a semicolon. Do not put a space between the semicolon and the next tag. The choices depend on the entities in the “Tags” tab under Asset Management.
Description (Required) - a description of the asset template on this row
ModelNumber – the model number of the asset template on this row
Manufacturer.Name – the name of the manufacturer for the asset template on this row
IsMasterTemplate – a master template is one that can be used for many different kinds of assets and is generally more general. This can be marked with True or left blank.
Attribute.Name - Name of the attribute that you want to assign to the asset template on this row. The choices depend on the entities in the “Attributes” tab under Asset Management.
Attribute.DataType - The data type of the attribute that you want to assign to the asset template on this row, based on the attribute name that you chose. The data type can be found to the right of the attribute in the “Attributes” tab. If you have an Attribute.Name, you must have an Attribute.DataType.
Attribute.Value - the “answer” to the attribute under Attribute.Name. Depending on the Attribute.DataType, this could be text, a number, or a dropdown value. This is not required, even if you have an Attribute.Name.
Attribute.Uom - the unit of measurement for the attribute chosen. This cell should only be filled in if the Attribute.DataType is “number”. The units of measurement can be found when adding a “number” data type inside TessaLink.
Attribute.DropDownValues - the dropdown values for the attribute for this particular asset. This cell should only be filled in if the Attribute.DataType is “dropdown”. You can add multiple values, separated by a semicolon. Do not put a space between the semicolon and the next value.
Schedule.Template.Name - the name of the form template that you want to attach to the asset template on this row.
Schedule.ScheduleFrequency.IntervalType - The interval of time for the frequency of the schedule (Year, Month, Week, Day).
Schedule.ScheduleFrequency.Unit - The number of the interval for the frequency (such as 30).
Schedule.ScheduleWarning.IntervalType - the interval of time for the warning period of the schedule in a scheduled report (Year, Month, Week, Day).
Schedule.ScheduleWarning.Unit - The number of the interval for the schedule in a scheduled report (such as 30).
Multiple attributes can be put on the same row for the same asset template. In order to do this, copy the Attribute.Name, Attribute.DateType, Attribute.Value, Attribute.UoM, and Attribute.DropDownValues columns. Paste them to the right of the copied cells. This can be done as many times as you need in order to have all of the desired attributes. Even if not all 5 columns will be used, all 5 must be copied over – the unused columns will be left blank for that attribute.
Multiple schedules can be put in the same row for the same asset template. In order to do this, copy the Schedule.StartDate, Schedule.Template.Name, Schedule.ScheduleFrequency.IntervalType, Schedule.ScheduleFrequency.Unit, Schedule.ScheduleWarning.IntervalType, and Schedule.ScheduleWarning.Unit columns. Paste them to the right of the copied cells. This can be done as many times as you need in order to have all of the desired scheduled forms. Even if not all 6 columns will be used, all 6 must be copied over – the unused columns will be left blank for that schedule.
Images and diagrams can not be imported via the spreadsheet to asset templates.