
    TESSALink Web - Periodic Asset Scheduled Report

    Log in using your username and password

    Go to “Reports”, then “Scheduled”


    In the top right corner, click the blue plus to create a new report


    Enter a name and set the report type to “Periodic Assets Report”


    Enter the remaining information



    A) Frequency - Choose how often you want the report to send, and when

    B) Owner - Filter your assets on this report by owner

    C) Location - Filter your assets on this report by location

    D) Schedule Status - Choose which statuses you want to include. You can use 1, 2, or all 3 statuses

    E) Tags - Filter your assets on this report by tags

    F) Status - Filter your assets by asset status (Active, Deactivated, Out of Service, Scrapped)

    G) Targets - Choose which emails you want to send the report to. You can enter as many emails as you like.

    In the top right corner, click the save button


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