
    TESSALink Web - Adding Customer Locations

    Log in using your username and password

    Go to "Asset Management" then "Locations"


    In the top right corner, click “My Tenant” to bring up a list of your customers


    Select the customer that you want to add a location for

    In the top right corner, click on the “Create New” button


    Enter the relevant information for that location, then click Save in the top right.


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      Scott Harrell

      Customer Locations should have separate contact information that Customer (Master) Many of our locations there are different people to contact. We have customers with many locations and all the locations have separate phone numbers, emails etc. This should be a good sub category under customers without having to enter multiple customers to accommodate the differences in the locations. Still have a Master so that Iron can be transferred easily between locations without the customer having to have multiple logins for each location.