Step 1: Download Desktop and Testbench
- Note that now Desktop and Testbench are two separate applications. You will only ever need to launch Desktop (same as in vCurrent), and Testbench will open automatically when performing a test.
- Go to, login, click on the Download section, and download both desktop and Testbench
- Once both apps have finished downloading, launch Desktop and login
- Make sure the login you're using has the Testbench license applied before you login
- For assistance on user setup:
- Make sure the login you're using has the Testbench license applied before you login
- Set your pin
- Run the first sync (this will take a long time, but every sync afterwards will be very quick)
- Try to run this with a good internet connection to speed things up
Step 2: Set your Testbench Settings
- Open up Testbench and click Options
- Set your options the same as they were in the old IC Desktop Software
- You'll need to type in the password when you runt the first test through Desktop
- If you need help installing or setting up just reach out to support at 1-877-747-2448 or