1. Log-in using your username and password
2. On the side menu select asset management and a sub menu should drop down, select Asset Templates
3. From the Asset Template screen, select the plus button at the top right of the screen
4. From this screen enter the Asset Template information. Any field with a * next to it is a required field. Under the Asset Template information you can add attributes, schedules, and attachments.
A) Enter the model number for the asset template
B) Select the manufacturer that you would like to apply to the asset template
C) Select if you would like the template to be a master template
D) Enter the part number you would like to apply to the asset template
E) Select tags you would like to be applied to the asset template
F) Add a description for the asset template
G) Here you can add an image to the asset template
H) Here you can add a diagram to the asset template
I) Here you can add attributes to your asset template
J) Here you can add scheduled forms or workflow to your asset template
K) Here you can attachments to your asset template
5. Once all the correct information, attributes, schedules, and attachments have been added, press the save button at the right of the screen to save the new asset template.