
    TESSALink Web - How to Create a Form Template

    1. Log-in using your username and password.

    2. On the side menu select Forms and a sub menu should drop down, and select Form Templates


    3. From the Form Templates screen, select the plus button at the right of the screen. This button will take you to the page where you can enter the information for the new Form Templateform_template_add_button.png

    4. From this screen enter the Form Template informationform_template_info.png

      A) Enter the name of the Form Template

      B) Enter the Report Title, this is what will show up when printing reports

      C) Here you can select different Form Types associated with the Form Template(You can create Form Types by going to Forms menu and selecting Form Types)

      D) Here you can import a diagram associated with the Form Template

      E) Enter Tags you would like associated with this Form Template. You can filter by tags when  searching for Form Templates

      F) Enter the name of the Section of the form to be filled out. You can add more Sections by pressing the the plus button at the right of the Section box

      G) Once the name of the section is added you can add different Fields to fill in on the form. You can select what type of Field to be filled in by selecting the Data Type drop down box.

    5. If you have selected Attribute Reference or DropDown for you Data Type, a new button will show and here you add values you would like associated with your Drop down, or if Attribute Reference is selected you can add attributes.ssss.png

      A) Here if DropDown or Attribute Reference is selected, you can select the values that you would like in this field

    6. Once all the correct form template information, attributes, tags, fields, and attachments have been added, press the save button at the right of the screen to save the new form templateform_template_save.png



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